All lyrics and music below were composed by the artist known as Sunrise Harmony (BMI)

Sunrise Song Lyrics and Chords

Lyrics and Chords – Chord Pro

Sunrise Lyrics I

Love from the Heart – A Rainbow Song – Gypsy Girl – Find Yourself Again – She’s Living Her Dream – When All You’ve Got Is the Music

Lyrics and Chords – Chord Pro

Sunrise Lyrics II

Dance With Me All Night – Don’t Fight for God – I’m Not Afraid – Joe -Camel Blues – Take Me Back Virginia – May You Always

Lyrics and Chords – Chord Pro

Sunrise Lyrics III

Señorita – It’s All Right – Love Is the Way – The Love You Always Wanted – Wild Dream – It’s Your Turn Now – Everything Has a Reason – Work on Time

Take Me Back Virginia (Lyrics)

I’ve seen her in the morning

I’ve seen her in the night

Take me back Virginia, I’d hoped you might


With your Appalachian Mountains

And your starry, starry nights

Can’t you see Virginia it’s alright

I’ve been to California

Even St. Antone

Take me back Virginia I’m coming home


I’m leaving Colorado

And the Rocky Mountains high

Take me back Virginia with a sigh


I’ve been along your rivers

Your winding dusty roads

Take me back Virginia, I’m coming home

I love your Shenandoah

The daughter of the stars

Let me know Virginia just how you feel


With your summer evening seasons

Where the nights are really warm

Your snow top covered mountains I’m coming home


Take me back Virginia

Don’t leave me here alone

Take me back Virginia I’m coming home


Take me back Virginia

I’m waiting on your call

Take me back Virginia I’m coming home

Take me back Virginia

I’m calling on the phone

I’m Leaving Colorado I’m coming home
